Health and wellbeing can measured measured on both an objective and subjective level. Objective measurement is what a country or private institution characterises health and wellbeing. Whereas subjective is concerned around you as individual and your internal judgement. Lets explore this in more detail.
Objective measure of health and wellbeing
A greater objective well-being is characterised by greater educational attainment, the safety of your neighbourhood and your financial situation. Therefore, Objective measures focuses on economical, educational and physical wellness. This approach looks at a societal perspective rather than a subjective measure and based on quantitative data.
Subjective measure of health and wellbeing
Subjective measures is about acquiring aspects of life that you feel is important. These cognitive judgements could include psychological, spiritual and social wellbeing. Therefore, subjective measures is about thing we think create value in life and what makes us happy. For example, you may have a job that makes you really happy but it’s objectively seen as bad due to lower income. This is a decision about what’s more important how people see you or how you feel and see yourself.
In summary, objective measures are good for measuring your well-being on a societal level. However, focusing on your self and how you feel may make you happier and create value to your life.